“Seducing Betrayals and the Strike of the No(m),” Clinical Study Days 11, New York, 11 February 2018.
“In the Space of the Drift: A Case of Sleepwalking,” followed by discussion with Francoise Davoine, Theodor Reik Guest Lecture Series, National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, New York, 7 December 2019.
“The Man of the Dark Mirrors,” followed by discussion with Sandra Grostein, Lacanian Compass Clinical Research Seminar, 1 June 2020.
“Giving Body to the Object, and Image to the Sound: A Case of the Imaginary without Ego,” followed by discussion with Daniel Roy, Lacanian Compass Clinical Research Seminar, 12 July 2021.
“Worst, … (or) Worse, … (or) Bad: Learning to Live, with a Burning-Screaming Real,” followed by discussion with Florencia Shanahan, Clinical Study Days 14, Miami, 5 February 2022.